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Course Reserves

Instructors can place items related to their course curriculum in the Course Reserves collection. Students can visit the library to borrow the material. The items can be from the instructor’s personal collection or the library collection. Media formats that can be reserved include:

  • Photocopies of journal articles or book chapters: Each page and/or set must be numbered and
  • Books
  • Video or other multimedia: Include viewing instructions before sending the DVD to the library

On this page:

How to Place an Item on Reserve

Submit the
Deliver item(s) to the library services desk
After 24-48 hours, notify your students

Reserves Request Form

  1. Download the Reserve Request Form (88KB Word .doc) to drop off in person

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can place an item on reserve?

    Only the instructor of the course may request to put an item on reserve.

  • What can I place on reserve?

    Items in the library collection or items directly related to the course curriculum may be placed on reserve at the circulation desk. You cannot place required textbooks.

    • Photocopies of journal articles or book chapters: Each page and/or set must be numbered and copyright compliant
    • Video: Include viewing instructions before sending the DVD to the library
    • Supplemental books
    • Personal books

    If you request a library item that is currently checked out, the request will be on hold. When the item is returned, we will place it on reserve and notify you.

  • How long can items be on reserve?

    For up to 2 weeks or, with the approval of the Library Director, up to the duration of the course.

  • When should I give the library the reserve item(s)?

    Item(s) must be delivered to the Library at least 24-48 hours before students are notified that the item is ready for use.

  • When will the library return my personal item(s)?

    We will return your item(s) at the end of the reserve period.

  • How can students search for reserves?

    Students can view reserves on the . You can share this video tutorial on how to with your students.